I have been to see a therapist before. I deal with depression and anxiety issues. People hear or find out I have been to see a therapist and I see that look of geez what is wrong with you? Or get comments of oh you shouldn't worry you are a good person you have a beautiful family. Well yes I do but that does not mean that I do not struggle or do not have problems. Outwardly I can be happy while inwardly I am in torment. Some yes by my own doing other just by my chemical make up. I go to see a therapist when I need to not because I am weak or crazy but because I feel I am strong and am trying to remain strong.
There is such a negative connotation that goes with seeing a therapist or going to counseling. It is not fair to think that there has to be something seriously wrong with you if your admit you need help. Well guess what, that could not be farther from the truth. Those who can admit they need help dealing with certain situations are some of the strongest people I know. Therapy and counseling teaches a person different techniques on how to handle, view or approach different situations. Sometimes in cases medication is used because the bodies chemistry makeup may be unbalanced. Does that mean you are crazy. NO! It only means you recognizee something is not right and that you want to fix it. Believe me I have learned a lot being in therapy and it helps me know what power I truly have over my own life. It helps me know I will not be a person who chooses not to deal with life and end up having a moment where all comes to the surface at once causing me to act in a way that would be detrimental and life changing. I am not a failure. I am strong
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